P076 - Balloon kebabs
An activity where children observe the stretching properties of rubber by skewering a balloon without popping it.
P025 - Vinegar and bicarbonate balloons
This practical offers a safe, controlled and clean method for
children to enjoy this reaction, whilst clearly being able to observe/identify
the reactants and products.
PST49 - Autumn 2010
This edition gives details of where to find advice about learning outdoors, some new ideas for D&T projects and advice about chinese lanterns and helium baloons.
PST66 - Autumn 2016
This term's issue sees the launch of the 2017 Primary Science & Technology competition. Leigh Hoath, editor of ASE’s Primary Science, shares some ideas about moving children’s learning forward through activities which support joined up thinking. CLEAPSS launches Calrissa the bunny into space and we add a new twist to a popular D&T activity by designing a a space rover.