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P057 - Vinegar and bicarbonate fire extinguisher demonstration
Teaching Ideas
A teacher demonstration about density, floating and sinking that uses carbon dixoide gas and air, rather than solids and liquids.
jug and canle
Matched: Gases
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P193 - Cooking on a gas stove outdoors
Doing Things Safely
Guidance on the safety measures you'll need and ideas about things to cook.
Girl stirring pan
Matched: Gases
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PST59 - Summer 2014
Doing Things SafelyTeaching Ideas
In this issue we suggest an exciting way to display the fruits of your cultivating efforts on a map of the world, a circuits project using a membrane panel switch. There is also an update on guidance from the HSE regarding asbestos in WW1 artefacts and an exciting new D&T primary course from CLEAPSS.
Crops of the world
Matched: Gases
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P025 - Vinegar and bicarbonate balloons
Teaching Ideas
This practical offers a safe, controlled and clean method for children to enjoy this reaction, whilst clearly being able to observe/identify the reactants and products.
Bicarbonate a vinegar balloons
Matched: Gases
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