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Assessing & Managing Risk in Primary Design & Technology
CLEAPSS Services
This course is for primary school Design and Technology coordinators, subject leaders, or teachers with responsibility for Health and Safety in D&T (or aspiring to any of these roles). You will learn how to identify, assess and reduce risk in D&T activities. Click here for booking information.

cutting wood
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PST59 - Summer 2014
Doing Things SafelyTeaching Ideas
In this issue we suggest an exciting way to display the fruits of your cultivating efforts on a map of the world, a circuits project using a membrane panel switch. There is also an update on guidance from the HSE regarding asbestos in WW1 artefacts and an exciting new D&T primary course from CLEAPSS.
Crops of the world
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Practical science in the primary classroom
CLEAPSS ServicesLeadershipDoing Things SafelyTeaching Ideas
This hands-on training day will show you how to plan and deliver effective practical activities that support children to evidence they're learning. It includes lots of  simple, engaging, practical activities. While doing science you'll also learn how to risk assess lessons. To book a place click here.
CLEAPSS Primary Logo
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CLEAPSS Membership Charter
CLEAPSS ServicesLeadership
The CLEAPSS Membership Charter sets out what Associate members can expect from CLEAPSS as well as outlining the conditions of membership. This document should be read in conjuction with the CLEAPSS Constitution and our guide to services, G001,  below.
CLEAPSS Primary Logo
Matched: Course
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