P136 - Using materials in primary practical activities
This document is designed to help you decide if it's safe to use a variety of different materials during STEAM activities.
PST45 - Autumn 2009
This terms articles include tips on making your own sherbet, growing microorganisms, chemical suppliers, teaching states of matter and advice about keeping bees in schools.
PST51 - Autumn 2011
In this issue we look at a beekeeping primary school and other opportunities for learning out of doors and some health and safety advice for visits from secondary school science teachers. There are updates to how you will be required to label any chemicals you have and a recipe for slime!
PST55 - Spring 2013
In this issue we investigate how water gets from the soil to the top of a plant, solar kits for learning about electricity and renewable energy, and launch the 'Falling seeds and biscuits' Primary Competition. There's also an important safety alert about using high powered batteries in circuit work and advice on chemical storage.